Section 04
House of Brands
Section 05
Section 01   |   Chapter 4
Beverage Extension Assessment Tool (B.E.A.T.)

How to use this Assessment.

The Beverage Extension Assessment Tool (B.E.A.T.) is made up of 14 questions to guide you to the correct brand strategy prescription for your next release. Some of these questions are straight forward. Some take more time and consideration. Answer them to the best of your ability and see where you land.

Here are some pointers to help you get the most out of this process:

  1. We recommend doing this both individually and as a team (if applicable).
  2. We recommend taking this Assessment at least three times to ensure you get a consistent set of results. In our testing, we found that taking the test a few different times (with fresh eyes) could result in slightly different responses.
  3. When totaling your score, if you are within five points of another range, read the chapter for the strategy that matches your score as well as the chapter for the next closest range. Brand Architecture decisions are rarely black and white and in our testing, we found that a strategy prescription becomes more muddled the closer you get to the end of a particular range. Oftentimes, both strategies are worth considering.

    Results Ranges

    12 – 40 = Create a Brand Extension
    41 – 56 = Create a Sub Brand
    57 – 73 = Create an Endorsed Brand
    74 – 112 = Create a New Brand

    Example: If you score 37, you should read the Brand Extension and Sub Brand chapters. If you score 76, you should read the Create a New Brand and Endorsed Brand chapters.

  4. After the Assessment, you’ll have one or two possible strategy prescriptions. At this point, you can think of The Beyond Beer Handbook as a “choose your own adventure” novel. Skip ahead to learn about the pros and cons of a particular strategy. Once you understand the ins and outs of that approach, you can continue on with positioning, naming and branding your new product in confidence.